Northeast December 2017 and Rio de Janeiro 2017 are ending today! :(
They were fantastic trips! I believe we will all remember it for a long time, right?! We would like to thank all the students, as well as our Coordinators, drivers, guides, suppliers, and also Rotary, Officers, Chairmen, Families and host Families - thanks for the support!
We hope see you all again on a future trip - South American Adventure and Amazon are coming!
They were fantastic trips! I believe we will all remember it for a long time, right?! We would like to thank all the students, as well as our Coordinators, drivers, guides, suppliers, and also Rotary, Officers, Chairmen, Families and host Families - thanks for the support!
We hope see you all again on a future trip - South American Adventure and Amazon are coming!
Nordeste Dezembro 2017 e o Rio de Janeiro 2017 estão terminando hoje! :(
Foram viagens fantásticas! Acreditamos que todos nós nos lembraremos dessas viagens por um bom tempo, né?! Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os intercambistas, e também aos nossos Coordenadores, motoristas, guias, fornecedores, e também ao Rotary, Oficiais, Chairs, Famílias e Famílias anfitriãs - obrigado pelo apoio!
Esperamos ver todos de novo em uma viagem futura - Aventura Sul-Americana e Amazônia estão chegando!